Chapter 43: Dark Garnet

Jiro POV

On all four feet, he marched on the Eternal Sentinels at the head of the army, Crimsontails in wolf and human form, with Barrett right beside him and Petrina on his other side.

It wasn’t just the army.

He’d walked out of the council building where it only took five minutes for the council to unanimously yell “AYE” to his request to declare war. He’d walked out with the council behind him to find not only the army awaiting him, but every shifter in the city, and then some. They spilled into the streets and pushed and shoved to join their packmates. He had a feeling that every shifter in the pack that could fight was waiting outside the city.

Several shifters in human form held weapons, even if those weapons were hammers or rolling pins or shovels or, in Sarina’s case, her extra-heavy copper skillet that really looked like it could split an ogre’s skull. The shifters in wolf form looked no less fierce.