Chapter 2 - Pictures

I cleared my throat. Mrs. Evor looked at me, "You really want to be late today, don't you?"

"No! Mrs-I mean mom, I need to go to school and I'll leave now!"

"In your nightgown?"

I looked down at what I was wearing and blushed. That was embarrassing. I rushed upstairs after eating the pancakes. I entered my walk in closet. I got confused immediately.

I never had so many options in clothing before. I looked for my school uniform if the I had any. And surely at the far corner in the right I found it. A white shirt, red skirt and red tie.

The uniform for Aurora High School. I couldn't believe I was holding it in my hands. I smiled. It was really my uniform now.

I took a shower in the biggest bathroom I'd ever seen and changed into the uniform. I made my way towards the study desk. Everything was lilac, my favorite colour.

There were pictures stuck to the wall above. Pictures of Lysha Evor with different people which included, Chase and Kylie who were Lysha's best friends. Lysha and her mom and also Lysha and her cousin Brandon.

I could easily identify the characters because I had seen more than enough fanarts of them. 'True Love' was a bestseller for five years straight. It was common for people who did fan art to draw these characters so I wasn't much surprised to see how they looked like in 'real life'.

But there was one picture that really caught my attention. A picture of me and Arken Sager. I had a picture taken of me and Arken Sager. Well it was Lysha Evor but I was more than happy to feel that I was indirectly her!

As for Arken, he looked so handsome that for a moment I was lost in those green eyes. But I also couldn't ignore the fact that he looked annoyed.

Well that wasn't new. Lysha was head over heels in love with Arken but the feelings were always one sided. He fell for the female lead, Elliana Parks. Lysha being the villain started bullying Elliana and Arken always saved her from all of it. And at the end like a happily ever after story, Lysha was ruined whereas the leads loved each other forever.

I sighed. I saw what looked like the school bag and opened the chain. The books were already kept inside. Lysha Evor must have arranged her bag the night before.

I hung it on my shoulders and descended down. I saw Mrs. Evor discussing something with a middle aged man who wore a black suit.

"I would like for you to drop me at the company too, Brooks," said Mrs. Evor.

"Yes ofcourse, Mistress," said Brooks. Maybe he was Lysha's personal driver. Though the novel hadn't mention the driver's name.

"Mom, can I walk to school today?" I asked.

Mrs. Evor looked at me like she had seen a ghost and so did Brooks.

"Lysha dear, are you alright?" Mrs Evor asked.

"Yeah, I am completely alright! I just felt like it so...can I?"

"F-fine then." She cleared her throat. "Well then Brooks, you'll only have to take me to the company today."

"Yes, Mistress," Brooks bowed and headed towards the car which was a freaking Rolce Royce!

I wanted to take a ride but what I wanted more was to explore this city and somehow I knew the route to Aurora High School. Interesting...

Brooks opened the door for Mrs. Evor to take a seat inside as he closed the door. He then made himself sit on the driver's seat and then departed straight ahead.

I then stepped out the door and started walking towards the east. Let's see what Lysha Evor's life has to offer.