Chapter 53: Fear of Shadows

"Do I really not look like a demon to you?" Lumière teased as he looked across the table.

"You don't look particularly like a demon to me, no." Asmodeus chided.

"Well, what is a demon really supposed to look like? Can you decide based off of that factor alone?"

"Fair point. However, the aura that follows you around doesn't seem like that of a demon." Asmodeus shook his head. "You seem more of a follower of a strange deity than a demon. Perhaps you're just borrowing this figure's power and masquerading as a demon."

Lumière's face paled slightly. Of course, it only made sense that the follower of an evil deity would be able to recognise a servant of an evil deity. It really wasn't possible for Lumière to act as Ophelia, the Demon of the Garden in this situation. His opponent just wasn't prepared to be lied to. 

"Ah, so it is so." A grin spread up Asmodeus's face. "Well, I don't quite understand why someone would want to masquerade as a detestable demon. For the purpose of others fearing you, I understand. However, existing as such a being comes with the inalienable identity that is despised by all, even those who don't exist in the magical world. For a human who loves at their heart the idea of community, isn't being hated your greatest fear?"

The knowledge that Lumière was a servant of an evil deity meant that ultimately, the Nameless Asmodeus had the upper hand. If Lumière were to be perceived as a demon, he may be treated with a bit more hesitation than usual. However, as a mere servant of a deity, that implied that he remained human, and so Asmodeus was sure to look down on him. If that was the case, then Lumière had a plan. This was the idea that had sparked the game of cards in the first place. Either outcome was perfect for him. 

"Would you like to shuffle the deck?" Lumière smiled, reaching out his hand and offering the cards to the Nameless creature. Asmodeus smiled slightly with the flesh that remained on his jaw and spoke in turn.

"I trust you not to cheat. If I discover that you have, I will simply void our agreement and kill you as initially planned."

Lumière nodded in agreement. It was a fair enough deal. However, Lumière had not spent his entire life impassioned with the pursuit of magical knowledge without having anything to show for it. He did not plan on being discovered. So, after shuffling the deck showfully, he cut it and dealt out the cards. On each side of the table, a pile amounting to half of the deck sat.

"Have you ever played 'war', Mr. Asmodeus?"

"I haven't, but the concept is understood simply, right? It's a matter of drawing a card and 'facing off' against your opponent. Are you really alright- betting the lives of your comrades on such a simple game of luck?"

"Nothing in this world truly bends to fate- it is up to destiny to decide the ultimate outcome. Small matters of fate like this can be manipulated. Even if it is just simple luck, I don't doubt mine."

"What would you know of fate, little dove?" Asmodeus chuckled as he drew a card, setting it face up on the table of writhing flesh. It was the three of diamonds.

"It's a common adversity for all. Shouldn't even an ant understand to an extent that there is a way to convince themselves that some things are out of their hands. However, this is just the foolishness we use to cut out taking action as an option. What is fate to a person who chooses to defy it?"

"Spoken like a servant of a strange deity. Tell me, do your compatriots know of your alignment? It is truly hilarious that you masquerade as a servant of that Goddess- when all along you were just like I. Aren't we actually the same, saving the extent of our powers? I wonder why you've gone through all this trouble to set up such a game, when it would be far better for you to come to my side."

"Is this a showing of your cowardice? Are you scared that you might lose?" Lumière chided playfully. 

"Not at all."

"Well, there's one point that relates to fate that any poor wretch can grasp ahold of. While their destiny remains out of reach, the strands of fate are pullable- it's a matter of being the marionettist of your own life to command its outcome."

"Why speak of this?" Asmodeus asked, his tone full of curiosity. "Are you trying to buy time, or is there some greater point to your rambling?"

Lumière nodded his head. "You'll understand soon enough, when I cut the strands of your own fate short."

Lumière reached out his hand, having drawn a card from the top of the deck, and placed it face up on the table. It was the four of hearts, which by proxy, beat the three of diamonds that Asmodeus had drawn. Lumière smiled playfully, and he could see the Nameless creature before him begin to fidget around in his chair.

"Twenty-five more hands, right? What happens if we tie in a duel?"

"By most rules, you would then bet up to three of your cards, and then draw another in an attempt to win an even greater battle. However, for the sake of keeping things simple, let's just declare it a tie and move on to the next hand." Lumière smiled genially.

"Are you scared of losing the greater war?" Asmodeus laughed. 

"Not at all. This would simply make the game shorter, and I wouldn't be able to stall for time as much." 

Asmodeus's brow curled up curiously, and the remains of his face contorted with a warped expression of humour. "Wow, you really are a brilliant individual… too humorous. I'll win this game of yours, and keep you by my side for the rest of eternity. You're actually fantastic company- do you know this, little dove?"

"Thank you for the compliment." Lumière's expression warped with visible discomfort. While he had convened with the messenger of an evil god, experienced the end of the world through the memories of Gluttony- Aris Levant, and faced the endless and deadly horrors of the labyrinth, he couldn't help himself from feeling fear in front of the Nameless creature. However, he wasn't averse to it, either. Sitting in front of the monster in such a casual manner was, albeit slowly, accumulating the despair and fear that correlated to his use of the 'Despair' ability.

'If I were to sit here for the next couple of days, I wonder what the extent of my ability's growth would be? No… perhaps I would grow used to sitting before this monster, and feel less fearful, inadvertently affecting the accumulation of fear and despair. Then, is it the case that I need to constantly seek out new and terrifying experiences in the magical world?' Lumière mused. 'Well, perhaps I should worry about surviving first.'

Lumière drew another card and placed it face up on the table- the one of hearts. 'However, I'm very confident when it comes to my 'performances'. Fall into my trap and crumble before me, you fool.'

"Haven't you lost this hand?" Asmodeus laughed, setting his card down on the table- the eight of hearts. "Why have such a happy expression. Why not despair in the face of your failure?"

"There are still several hands left, Mr. Asmodeus. Why would I despair now?" Lumière shrugged. "I feel you dismiss the power of the one of hearts card far too much."

'Moreover, I've 'despaired' far too much to crumble to it in this paltry situation.'

"Power? What kind of power could such a lowly card contain? Have you gone mad out of fear in the middle of our bout?"

The game continued for a short while longer. The White Roses by the sidelines continued to watch, fearful of many things, and stuck in place as the crowd of Nameless eyed them ravenously. However, among them, the one that was most fearful had ignored his base feelings, and had begun to weave the shadows in the vicinity. Nicole's face contorted out of exhaustion and anxiety, but he continued as he had been commanded. Prior to the game of cards, Mr. Demon had commanded him to do so. This was his own 'preparation'.

After many bouts, the last two cards remained face down on the table. As far as the game had gone, Asmodeus had paid no mind to the cards that had stacked themselves face up on each of their sides of the table. However, when taking another glance at the two sides, Asmodeus realised that they had been tied, down to the very last card. Whoever won the last hand would ultimately win the gamble. The tension immediately alighted in his body. As a Nameless, he did not fear death. However, sitting in front of the ant who pretended to be a powerful figure, he began to feel a slight amount of fear uncharacteristic of him. Why did he feel such a thing? In the face of the gamble that would end the lives of his comrades, and resign him to an eternity of serving a Goddess he did not admire, the little ant had a grin on his face.

'Aren't humans supposed to despair in the face of death? What could this man have experienced to have such an expression on his face in such a critical moment? Does he have a plan? If so, where does this confidence arise from? Who could he possibly be serving to have no fear?'

Asmodeus drew the card on his side of the table and set it face up. His eyes widened as he glanced at its face. It was the one of hearts.

'The power of such a card? Wait- haven't I…?'

Lumière drew the final card that sat on his side of the table, the one of spades. A grin spread up his expression, and he looked up towards Asmodeus, whose warped face had contorted in anger.

"This card has already been drawn! I told you what would happen if you cheated, didn't I? Now, you'll all die! Forget the deal!" Asmodeus's face contorted in anger.

"Well, no matter what has happened, the deck has been split equally. It seems we've encountered a tie." Lumière shrugged.

Lumière's lips curled up into a satisfied grin. 'Watch your confidence crumble before me, you fool.'

His hands grasped the edges of the writhing table of flesh, and he stood up from his wailing seat. His eyes filled with a mad sense of elation.

"Do you remember what I said happens when there was a tie?" 

Asmodeus's eyebrow curled up in confusion. However, Lumière stared him down with utmost confidence and spoke once more.

"Now, the real war begins." 

Suddenly, the shadows underneath the Nameless began to writhe furiously. Countless crimson eyes opened up to reveal a sense of madness and hatred. With the tampering of the shadows executed by Nicole, the familiar monsters that lurked within everyone had arose.

The monsters in the shadows had awoken.