Chapter 59: A Noble's request

After the meeting of the Lesser Nobles, Artis Faulkner and Pandora Callister adjourned to a private meeting room, of which the Celestial Marble Palace was abundant with in order to talk freely and securely. Whilst the main meeting halls that Nobles would meet in were vast and open, they were also filled with prying eyes and listening ears that hid within the dark corners. The private meeting rooms, while smaller and less regal, had no such shadows for those with ill intent to hide within.

"What do you know about Lumière Croft?" Artis asked plainly, sitting across from the man with fiery-orange hair. 

Pandora Callister leaned his head on his hand like his brother and laughed softly. He could not forget his own timid nature, but he could forgive it and pretend slightly, as if he were as confident and brazen as his brother. 

"I don't know much about him personally." Pandora smiled slightly. It was obvious he was withholding his own words. He was pressing Artis for any obvious reaction. He knew that there was a connection between Artis Faulkner and Lumière Croft. While he had acted timid during the Lesser Noble's meeting, it did not mean that he was devoid of any skill when it came to acting as a Noble. It was par for the course for one to be as serpent-like as possible when it came to interacting with other Nobles. "Shall I speak frankly, Ms. Faulkner?"

Artis's visage stiffened. "It's just Faulkner, Callister. How many times will I have to keep reminding you of that? This is meant to breed equality between us Nobles."

"We're not equal in this conversation, are we?" 

Pandora's words cut through the tense atmosphere that hung in the air. He knew he had the upper hand when it came to conversing. After all, the intrigue that Artis had as to how Pandora Callister knew of her connection to the nameless show magician remained unresolved. What could he possibly want, confronting her with this? Was it some strange perversion brought on by Orion's brazenness? Was it a simple threat? She knew that as tall as Pandora tried to stand, he was likely just a pawn in his brother's plan. Still, even a messenger could deliver a death warrant. 

Pandora cleared his throat, and then with an amiable tone, he said, "Master of Blades, Dreselle Artois is dead."

Artis's expression darkened. 'That old man? He's dead? How didn't I hear of this, despite the information channels I've gathered? No… how did the Callisters hear of it first? Is this information that anyone knows? After all, old master Artois tends to be a recluse. Then… the only way that the Callisters could know of something like this…'

"Is this truth?" Artis asked calmly. "Or is it one of your brother's lies, meant to trick me as some sick joke?"

"It's the truth, I assure you." Pandora gestured with his hand to emphasise his point. 

"Then get to the point of you bringing it up in the first place." Artis crossed her legs, leaning back in her seat casually. It was a move to try and establish physical dominance. If Pandora returned to his meek and timid state, his position in discussion was over.

To her surprise, he did exactly that. His face paled, and his eyes darkened, leaning over in his chair despondently. 

"Orion plans to kill that man. That, or have himself killed in the process."

Silence filled the air. While Artis had anticipated some sort of ploy to be enacted, it was far beyond what she had imagined. Orion Callister, to most nobles, was a trickster. He was a thrill-seeker, one who found joy in playing games. Unlike Lesser Nobles, who weren't so privy to information about their peers, as a Higher Noble, Artis knew well of Orion and Pandora Callister's past.

She knew he was a man whose will to continue was constantly degrading, day by day. 

"Why?" Artis's gaze flickered. "Is this a game of his? Why Lumière Croft?"

"It was something about a merchant he sponsored in Leiden. Our Callister family has good connections with the Lord of the North Wall, Oost-Souburg. Orion was able to bypass the Lord of the North Wall and procure the services of a merchant by acting as a sponsor." Pandora sighed. "However, the merchant Orion sponsored, Callis Alisander tended to be hot-headed, getting himself into feuds with other merchants. After a feud with a certain merchant, it grew to the point where a duel became necessary to resolve tension."

"And what does any of that have to do with Lumière Croft?" Artis spoke tersely. "Are you just here to mess with me, or will you eventually get to your point?"

Pandora coughed slightly, raising his hand to his mouth before speaking in a gravelly voice. "Lumière Croft was the second to the rivaling merchant, and Callis Alisander was killed in combat."

'Fuck, is that really true? If Lumière had connections with this merchant, it would make sense that the merchant would request he be a second… after all, Lumière is a great swordsman. But this is just too strange… is Orion seeking revenge? Why not go after the merchant? Is Orion scared?'

"By chance, who is the lord who sponsored that rival merchant?" Artis asked inquisitively, a finger resting on her lips as she ruminated.

"The merchant, Alain Monroe, was sponsored by the Lord of Leiden's west wall, Ried."

Artis's expression paled, the same as Pandora's. After all, hearing such a name was enough to make any Noble scared, whether they were Lesser or Greater. Each of Leiden's four walls was guarded by a Lord, all four of which were of Greater Noble houses. They were charged with watching over the sectors of industry in the middle borough, and guarding the high borough from any danger, in which many Greater and Lesser nobles lived. Their names were never known, to hide their identities as 'guardians of the wall'. Intermingled in noble gatherings, one could never know which of them was a Lord of Leiden. It was an assumption that any and every person could hold such a position in secret.

Leiden lied on the most-western part of the west continent, which was controlled by the Forger Empire. Because the west continent often found themselves at war with the eastern-most continent, Baruunlan, this meant that the western shore was often at risk of attack by sea. After all, if an army from Baruunlan were to sail east, they would eventually wrap around and reach the western shore of the Forger Empire. This left the west wall of Leiden, Ried, at the forefront of attack. 

So, the Lord of Ried was thought to have been upheld by a very strong noble, and that made him an incredibly fierce adversary. He was responsible for a large portion of trade relating to alcohol and spirits, and any who encroached on his profit were subject to his violent meddling. 

He was the puppetmaster of the west, who orchestrated the economy around alcohol, of which was prevalent in Leiden. He was also rumoured to be behind the movements of the Peacekeepers in Leiden, which, even if remained nothing but a rumour, was a threat enough to most Nobles.

It was no wonder to Artis that Orion chose not to mess with the merchant, Alain Monroe. It was too much of a danger to offend the Lord of Ried.

"So, is this your brother's way of trying to get revenge?" Artis spoke in a grave, almost threatening tone of voice. "If so, then why are you telling me? Is it to torment me? Do you think something like this will shake me? What is your goal, Callister?"

"I don't think Orion will win. I want to stop his foolish endeavours. I'm tired of him putting himself and others in danger." Pandora muttered. "I really don't want him to die… not before he smiles."

'Smiles? What is this fool talking about?' Artis scowled.

"So, once again, what is it you want from me?" 

"You love him, right? Don't you want to protect Lumière Croft? Did I make a mistake in coming to you?" Pandora muttered. "Neither I nor Orion have the support of our uncles, but he still maintains control of the treasury… if I were to go behind him and pay someone to help me, he would definitely find out…"

Artis's gaze froze. Her breaths ceased, and her mind entered a turmoil. There was silence between them for several moments, and then Artis forced herself to speak out.

"I'll help you." 

"You really do love him." Pandora sighed relieved. "That's perfect."

She thought for another moment.

"I don't love Lumière, not at all." Artis spoke sadly, touching her fingers against her lips. "No… not him… I'm just cursed to remember, that's all."

It was a harsh request. It was a tragic request. It was the entanglement of nobility along with the vast magical world. It was the lives of friends and brothers staked as bets within a foolish game. It was pointless fun. It was horrid fun. 

Why were humans so brazen?

Why did his 'games' involve lives?