Chapter 42: Persona

Three of Hearts soon turned towards Lumière, who stood idly.

"Now, it's your turn to prepare, little fledgling. Since Four of Hearts is still preparing 'that' concoction, we may as well get you up to speed on the plans."

"Is there really that much for me to prepare?"

Three of Hearts nodded. "Of course, unless you want to succumb to madness. If that is where you want your path to end up, then feel free to continue on without preparation. Only a fool marches into danger without making sure he'll have the upper hand. I don't think you're quite like that, so you should get into the habit, even if you plan on acting reckless as usual."

Lumière's eyebrow twitched slightly, but he nodded in response.

Three of Hearts then reached into his briefcase once more, procuring a small wooden idol. He then handed it over to Lumière, who accepted it with curiosity. It was a carving of a women with closed eyes and clasped hands. However, the hands were clasping a dagger which had been thrust into the woman's heart, and thick streams of red blood were painted flowing from the woman's eyes.

"It's an idol of that evil Deity- the 'Lace of Blood'. Shatter it before you initiate your plan. At your level, this should offer you some reasonable level of increased physical abilities."

"How do you know so much about individual abilities? Is it that you've discussed with those who belong to other domains? If you know of my abilities, then will you tell me of what I'll acquire by advancing?"

"A merchant needs many connections." Three of Hearts shrugged, a smirk curling up his expression. "Why wouldn't I talk with many people, gather information, and trade things? I've come to know of the abilities of the 'One of Spades' because I have once known a One of Spades. Now, that person is you, and so I know of your abilities. Of course, I can tell these to you, for a price."

Lumière's eyebrow twitched slightly, but he then looked back down towards the idol.

"Then you should know of the repercussions for using 'that' ability?"

Four of Hearts and Three of Diamonds faces turned grim as they heard Lumière's words. They too had come to know of the abilities of 'blasphemy' and its effects on the user. It was not often that a high-level user of Heresy made an appearance in the House of Cards. That was mostly because they had succumbed to madness, or had to invent a persona in order to cope, and had to actively play their persona's role, which gave no time to make an appearance. There were many tales of high-ranking figures in society who were heretics, who pretending to be a person without madness in order to cope with the loss of their sanity. It was well-known that a large cause of mental stress was the use of 'blasphemy', which for some unknown reason, caused the user to experience mental anguish and increase their inclination to grow mad.

"Are you wondering why I would stake the plan on such a dangerous ability, knowing it would harm you? It just doesn't make sense that you would agree to use it, just for the sake of a bit of money. Of course, I know this much. The entire reason I proposed this to you is because there's a solution to the problem."

Lumière let out an annoyed sigh.

"If there was a solution, you should have said it already. You're messing around too much." Lumière spoke sternly. "So, what is it?"

"You must wear a mask."

Lumière looked at him with a puzzled expression. He raised his hand and pointed at his face, which had grown pale against the night air.

"No, not that kind of mask." Four of Hearts let out a laugh. "He's referring to how heretics deeper in the domain fabricate 'personas' in order to distract themselves from the madness. In a way, it's like dumping the burden of insanity onto a different person in order to keep your 'true self' somewhat sane. I doubt you've felt the effects of your powers yet, but it may be something you'll have to do in the future. However, with the burden of using 'blasphemy' ever-present, Three of Hearts is suggesting that this is something you should get to now."

"Create a persona? Do you mean I have to act differently, or convince myself that I am another person entirely?"

Four of Hearts shrugged.

"How would I know? However, aren't you heretics the greatest liars? Shouldn't something like that be easy for you?"

'Isn't this too much work for a bit of money?' Lumière lamented inwardly. 'No, that's not really the case. In the future, as I grow stronger, people will come to challenge me in turn, and I may have to pay my way out of those situations, as per the rules of the House of Cards. Moreover, I need to pay for equipment, crystal pendants, and various magical assistance from other domains. I'm sure there will be far greater expenses than I've been forced to experience up to now. Isn't the magical world far harder to live in, in such a way? If I can earn money, I should try my hardest to do so. It's all for the sake of my greater goal, and for the sake of finding and killing whoever was behind it all.'

Lumière sighed, before turning back to the Three of Hearts.

"I can do such a thing, but it'll take some time to prepare."

"Johan Basque tends to spend a lot of time at the brothel he frequents, and even then, it isn't nearly the time that he usually arrives. You have more than enough time to prepare."

Lumière nodded, and gradually began to distance himself from the three.

As Lumière knelt down facing the alley wall, Three of Hearts and Four of Hearts turned their attention back to the concoction he had been preparing in a glass vial procured from his own briefcase. It was common for alchemists to carry briefcases as they did; often filled with various flecks of metal, salts, minerals, and various chemicals used for alchemical concoctions.

"Horn Silver, aqua vitae, and copper flecks. Shouldn't this be enough, in the event that One of Spades can't carry out his task?"

"Procuring the card will become much harder if that's the case, but at the very least, this will ensure that the Peacekeepers will view him with suspicion and hostility." Three of Hearts nodded.

"Philter 'e Furor. It's quite terrifying, isn't it?" Four of Hearts marvelled. The mixture in the small flask he held swirled violently, like bright-yellow plasma timged with swirls of dark-black. It would cause a frenzy of confusion in tbe area it was thrown, allowing the group to portray a narrative to their favour.

In the meanwhile, Lumière had accustomed himself to his other abilities which he hadn't had much time to practice using. Gradually, he enacted his plan.

Lumière's vision began to shake, and his body trembled excessively. As the mark on his hand lit up brightly, he had stacked several 'illusory murmurs' on top of each other, echoing endlessly around him in a tone only he could hear. Quickly, they began to pour fabricated memories, mantras, worldviews, and thoughts into his head- a personality, all a lie. He was a crazy, unhinged man, who had no qualms about rushing into danger for personal gain. He was violent, but hid behind a calm and confident persona that made it easier for him to interact with others. He was proficient in combat, and had near-to-no qualms about killing others. He was everything that at times, Lumière wished he could become.

Besides the murmurs, his own thoughts began to race wildly. 'Crazy? Become crazy, shouldn't I? Shall I become mad? To bow to this base instinct, shouldn't I be reckless? Overly-confident perhaps? Will many fall to my hands in the future?"

Gradually, Lumière's thoughts began to warp as he transitioned into his 'new' persona, and enveloped a different thought process. The colour of his hair changed, and using his ability to 'paint' illusions, his facial features gradually sharpened, warped into an entirely new image. His irises took on duller colours, and his expression changed to match his thoughts.

'Crazy? Who's crazy? Confidence? Why do I need confidence to kill people? Won't they die anyway? Aren't I just saving their families time in having to wait to enjoy a lovely funeral service?'

A harsh black aura soon permeated the space around the group, filling the air with malevolence. As the three turned to look towards Lumière, they realised that he had been cloaked in a thin veil of shadow. His hair had become short and jet-black, and his eyes were a pale blue. His face had become slightly thinner, sharper, and generally more conventionally attractive. Moreover, his face didn't show any hints of fear, anxiety, or madness. There was only a confident, humoured grin across his face. In all regards, he did not resemble what the three knew 'One of Spades' to look like.

Slowly, the figure stood up and faced the group. His left eye had shut, and begam dripping a thick, viscous black liquid. He placed his palm against the left side of his face to cover the atroscious sight, still showing off his crazed, almost-demonic grin.

"So, who are you now?" Four of Hearts asked the One of Spades.

The figure who was once known as Lumière Croft grinned, his hand falling away from his face, smearing the thick black blood along his cheek. His hand then reached outwards, as if taunting the three to come closer.


One of Spades had become an entirely new person altogether.