Chapter 73: Magician's second prompt

"You want to reverse the turn order?" Orion's eyebrow twitched. Of course, he had suspected the possibility that Lumière would suggest such a thing. However, he had realised early on in the game that Lumière had caught on to him. Moreover, in his urge to win over Lumière, he had forgotten to test him to a larger extent. His competitive itch had overtaken him. 

However, what Orion didn't yet realise is that Lumière's competitiveness had also reared its head. "I do. Will this be a problem?"

"I think it's a wonderful idea." Selaphiel looked towards Lumière. 'It seems that Mr. Callister was intentionally prodding Lumière's personality traits. But why? I assisted him while playing the game to try and find out what motives he had, but I still couldn't realise them. Should I try and assist Lumière Croft in this game in order to see what happens? Whatever may truly be going on, it's clear that my suspicion of Lumière was correct. However, I can't outwardly do anything about it…'

"Then, perhaps you should begin this time, dear friend." Orion winked, slightly annoyed behind his genial demeanor. 

Lumière nodded his head. It only made sense. 'Since White was trying to test me initially, I wonder what he managed to grasp? I lost my composure in the middle of the story. That was my main mistake. This time, I'll try to turn it on him.'

He began to speak.

"There's a man in the middle of a city named 'London', a man named 'Lain'." Lumière's grin became evident as he spoke. "He has a brooding, calm aura, yet simultaneously gives off a sense of unhinged madness. He's a detective in London, but also its worst vigilante. He is cruel, cunning, and malicious. His kindness is a facade. One night, he stands before a building where his next target, a serial murderer, is hiding out."

Orion's excitement became evident. 'Is he talking about 'Secret of the Conductor' by that one author? I've read it so many times as a child- to think Black would know of this novel. Suddenly, many things have begun to make sense. But why is he bringing it up now as a story prompt? This scenario definitely wasn't included in the story…'

Because it was Orion's turn, he continued the prompt. "Lain, knowing of the man's danger, proceeds to the rooftop. He scales the iron piping plastered against the side of the building until he reaches its greatest height. He breaks in through the rooftop entrance, picking the lock and entering discreetly. From a balcony, he descends onto the first floor. In front of him lies the murderer."

"Staring at the murderer, he almost wants to ask what would bring a man to kill for no reason. Still, he knows it himself why one would do so. There's only one option for Lain. He raises his gun towards the murderer, ready to complete his task." Selaphiel continued.

"Soon, Lain begins to realise his mistake. The building the serial murderer was hiding in was a children's hospital, and he paid no mind to it. The murderer grabs a young girl from beside him, ducking behind her while holding her hostage." Lumière posed the scenario carefully. Orion's lack of care for others was already known. However, to what extent that stretched, especially regarding children, was something Lumière wished to know. After all, he retained control of Nicole. If the boy had to be used for the sake of victory, it was at his discretion to do so.

"Lain shoots. A can of oil the murderer had prepared to burn down the hospital, with the bodies alongside it, drops to the ground and covers the floor in thick residue."

Lumière's eyebrow twitched. 'Of course, Lain in 'Secret of the Conductor' is a reckless, ruthless individual. That's why I initially picked him as the persona to portray on the commission with Shylock, Laertes, and Lysander. Still, with no hesitation, he leads the character to murder a child. I shouldn't be surprised, and it's definitely indicative of who he is as a person. After all, he has held genuine hostages in the past, thinking they would be effective against me. If you're choosing to twist this story in a 'ruthless' direction, then I'll just kill off the main character.'

His turn once more, Selaphiel pondered his options for a second, before choosing a general path. He wanted to observe the two in action for a bit longer, and so he made no 'determining' moves. "Lain secures the room. He pulls furniture in front of the door that leads to the rest of the hospital, leaving only the front entrance on the first floor."

'The Archangel is not pushing for much. Is he observing us, using very blank progressions of the story to stall out time? Well, it was a given that he would figure out something, as White was stupid to suggest this in the first place. But, the lie must be retained.' Lumière jested in his head.

"Police, given time to gather, stand outside of the hospital. Having been confused for the murderer himself, Lain is seen as a hostage-taker. There are no longer any exits for him. "

"He pulls out his gun. He must kill them all." Orion smirked.

"The police are delaying themselves, too scared to challenge the presumed-murderer, simultaneously fearing for his retaliation towards any hostages were they to prod him too harshly." Selaphiel continued his laid-back progression, smiling as he observed the two. So, Lumière pushed further. He knew it was his opportunity.

"Holding firearms pointed towards the room he's been spotted in, the police prepare to enter the building. Of course, as a detective, Lain has come from a long-line of law officials. His younger brother, a police officer, is seen at the scene. He is the first to approach the building, making his way inside." As Lumière continued to speak, Orion's brows furrowed. "The brother first spots the dead child, and then the murderer that Lain originally killed. Then, he sees Lain. Lain sees his younger brother pointing a gun at him, and raises his own gun."

"It's too dark to see. How could he know it's his younger brother?" Orion's gaze darkened slightly.

"Does he shoot?" Lumière replied, smirking.

Orion gritted his teeth. 'Fuck. I hate you, Black. That's dirty. He's trying to allude to Pandora indirectly, isn't he? Shouldn't I just say that Lain shoots without hesitation? It seems too wrong to say, taking Lain's perspective. Fuck. He really got me here. But if I don't say it, I'll lose to Black…' After a moment of silence, Orion continued.

"He shoots the light on the ceiling, and sparks erupt from the exposed filament. The sparks catch alight on the residue of the oil. Flame quickly spreads. In the darkness, Lain sees that the policeman pointing the gun at him is in fact, his younger brother, and decides not to shoot him."

'Was this why White initially spoke of the poured oil? Did he prepare an out for himself from the very start? He anticipated me trying something, and he gave himself a solution that could be creatively molded in many ways as an escape. What a sly fellow.' Lumière mused. 'However, I've already found a key weakness of yours. It was your mistake to mention your brother when covering for us with Selaphiel. I wasn't sure if the responsibility you gave to your younger brother equated to trust, or even love, but your slip-up there was definitely real, and it was definitely a mistake. Even if you escape, I've already won, White. Now, what will the Archangel choose to say?'

Selaphiel smiled deviously. It was completely uncharacteristic of him. It made Lumière's entire body shiver, more than he had when Thomas Hawthorne's smile had curled up inhumanely. Then, in a deep tone of voice, he spoke.

"Still, having heard a gunshot come from the hospital's interior, the younger brother's fellow policemen enter the building, where they find Lain at the end of the room, holding a gun. They promptly raise theirs, and shoot him dead." When the two stared into the Archangel's eyes, they saw true, malicious satisfaction.

'What? Why did Selaphiel suddenly switch to my side?'  Lumiere wondered, shocked. 'I won with his help...'

As Selaphiel looked towards the two, he laughed quietly. 'Did I surprise you, Lumière Croft? You must be wondering why I chose to assist you in this obvious battle, now. Will you think I've discovered something about you? Of course, you won't make it obvious that you know this. I know you're smarter than that.'

"That was quite fun. However, I find myself wanting more. How about a final game, you two? I have a unique suggestion for this one." The Archangel spoke out in a gentle, cunning tone of voice.

Selaphiel let out a chuckle, before continuing.

"Why don't you both answer my prompts?"