Chapter 110: The search for the magician

Exiting the roaring golden-and-silver steam train on the main platform, Pandora Callister and Artis Faulkner arrived in Leiden's railroad station. It sat at the edge of the middle borough, near the northern wall, Oost-Souburg. Because of the Callister Family's goodwill with the Lord of the North wall, Pandora was able to secure easy sponsorship into their entrance of the city, despite his never-having been there before.

"Ah, I'm so tired… sitting for so long makes me feel like I've become a statue…"

"It was only a day's ride, Mr. Callister. Stretch yourself out a bit before we continue. We still have a search for Lumière Croft to undergo. We also need to find your brother and stop his little 'game', before anyone gets hurt…"

"You're providing honourable formalities now? Is it because we've left Lindgram? Are we no longer equal in your eyes?" Pandora joked casually, stretching his arms high into the air as he let out a softened yawn.

"In my eyes, everyone is equal at least in the way they're human, but societally, everyone starts at different points, with different opportunities. If I don't conduct myself as such outside of Lindgram, many bad things might happen. When others see a princess conducting herself in unorthodox ways, rumours tend to occur, which might implicate the honour of my family. I can't let my beliefs make things harder for so many people."

Suddenly, Artis caught sight of two familiar figures, a regal, gentle woman with pitch-black hair and a man with yellow-and-white locks trailing behind her.

"Ah, Ms. Chatelaine, Mr. Attendant!" Artis called out towards them. "Good afternoon! I didn't know you had business in Leiden! If that were the case, I would have invited you to share a car…" Artis's face paled as she greeted the two, feeling embarassed. 

Turning around and noticing the princess, Cartwell and Zelia immediately took a knee to bow, lowering their heads. They, too, had just returned to Leiden, eager to collaborate with one of spades and Mr. Ophelia in person. After all, Zelia had used her wish in order to ascertain if the Argyle family was really behind her Fiance's death!

'It's the princess! And that strange enigmatic man we met before… are they still traveling together? What is the relationship between the two of them?'

"Ah, please, rise, the both of you. You know I can't handle such concessions, even as a matter of preserving face…" Artis glanced away slightly, motioning her hands as if telling them to stand. Of course, one would not deny the orders of a princess, and so stood up to greet her, Cartwell's head still bowed slightly. "Why are you both in Leiden? I would have assumed all representatives of Noble houses would have returned to their holdings. Aren't yours in Sautoise?"

Zelia's face paled at this question. She hadn't yet come up with an excuse, because she didn't expect to meet such a person in Leiden! After all, she couldn't just tell the princess of the Empire that she was actually an Astrologer, and she was part of a secret commission that sought to take down a massive secretive organisation, and that the leader she followed was a Demon in the vessel of a Heretic! There were just too many secretive and damning things in connection to her presence in Leiden! How could she have been so foolish as to not come up with a cover story?

Sautoise was the stretch of land along the southern coast, where special elements in the sands of its multitudes of beaches would clash with the water, creating long strips of crystalline fragments, Iyasul Crystals. The Ixlan, the people from that region, would often refer to that stretch of land as 'The Arctyle Cove'. But to those less knowledgeable, or just as a matter of commonplace, it could also be referred to by the name of its main city of tourism and trade, 'Sautoise'.

Pandora placed a hand on Artis's shoulder, whispering in her ear as he eyed the two he had met previously, "a conversation would be nice, but the clock is ticking. We need to locate Lumière Croft as soon as possible."

Zelia's and Cartwell's ears perked up as they heard the name through the haze of sound in the railroad station. Lumière Croft? Wasn't that the real name of Mr. Ophelia's vessel, one of spades? Why was the princess of the Empire seeking out a former show-magician? Was she a fan of his? Or was it some more secretive matter that they simply couldn't understand due to their lack of information? However, it was clear that their paths intertwined more than they had anticipated. They were both seeking out the same person! But Zelia and Cartwell would see Mr. Ophelia during their next gathering only a week from that point. They didn't need to seek out one of spades like Artis and Pandora were doing, they only needed to wait.

After they had bid their goodbyes, the two groups separated. They had a lot of ground to cover, so Artis and Pandora couldn't waste any more time. 

"Where do you think Lumière could be at this time?"

Artis shrugged her head. "On a day like this, Lumière might be performing in the middle borough's most reputable Show Hall, or he might be practicing his swordsmanship at the Fencer's Association… but if he is at neither of those spots, he might be at the monastery in the lower borough he grew up in. But due to a recent tragedy involving that spot, it might also be possible that he's avoiding it to cope with his grief. If he isn't in any of these spots, it might become very difficult to locate him…" She turned her gaze towards Pandora, asking, "do you know where we might find Orion?"

Pandora shook his head, sighing. "No, if I knew where my brother might be, I would have suggested we go to those places… I know nothing about this city, but my brother isn't exactly a creature of habit. He might be staying in the Lord of the North wall's estate, wherever that is located… I'm sure he relied on that person's sponsorship to get into the city. The Lorraine family was definitely the one who connected my brother with that cursed Demon…"

The Lorraine family was another prominent nobility family in Leiden. Because of their head's circumstance of acting as the Lord of Oost-Souburg, a representative, his eldest son, was often sent to Lindgram for the Noble gatherings. If they were unable to locate Lumière in any of the places he might be, the next best place to check would be to locate Orion at the Lorraine estate. Locating either one of them would become a matter of waiting for them to clash to find the other. But what is it that Pandora just said? Demon…?

Artis looked up at Pandora out of the corner of her eye, suspicion filling up her gaze. 'Was that a metaphor for something? I shouldn't risk asking. There's still too many strange things surrounding these brothers… that tragedy definitely ruined them beyond a human extent…'

"First, let's visit the Fencer's Association, and then the Show Hall. If we can't find him there, he might just be at the monastery…"

So, according to Artis's plan, they first visited the Show Hall. Artis had learned of Master Artois's death due to a message that had been sent to her during the gathering. His body was transported to the capital, due to his famed status, and she had even been able to attend his funeral. That such an old legend had been murdered was a tragedy. How strong could his foe have been to best him?

But in the building, Lumière wasn't to be found. So next, they made their way to the Show Hall near the edge of the middle borough. At the entrance, just past the door, there was a woman with bright-emerald eyes and dark hair that spilled down her shoulders like streams of water. It was the attendant of the Show Hall! She would certainly know whether Lumière was present at that time.

Artis spoke towards the attendant, smiling. "Good afternoon, Miss. I'm looking for Mr. Croft. I've heard he works here as a magician."

The woman, buried behind stacks of papers on her desk, looked up at Artis and smiled. She was gorgeous, almost radiant, like sun amidst the rain.

"You're not the first, second, or dozenth person who's come here looking for Mr. Croft in recent days." The attendant laughed. "In truth, each time, I have to tell everyone that Mr. Croft no longer performs here. His last performance was only a few days ago, right outside of the Show Hall. It was… quite the spectacle, to say the least. Even I haven't seen Mr. Croft in a while. If you happen to find him, please pass along a message for me. I'll be… waiting for him to 'visit' once more." The attendant winked as she said this.

Artis's face flushed, coming to a realisation as to what she meant. 'Was there always multiple women in between me and him…? I really never had a chance…'

Crestfallen, their last hope remained far below the middle borough. Artis had only traveled a handful of times down towards the lower borough, as there was rarely reason for her to be there. Once or twice, her family's help had been requested in the restructuring of key areas, due to their wealth and knowledge, and so she had traveled alongside her father to survey the region. While she thought it quite brilliant, it was also definitely dangerous. 

But for Artis, this wasn't too much of a worry… not as long as she 'remembered'. 

The two stepped down the flowering path that led towards the lower borough, something she had heard Lumière speak of many times before. If she were to travel through the gate that led down towards the lower borough, she was afraid it would raise too much suspicion. Her face was well known, after all. 

According to how Lumière had spoken of his travels at times, Artis followed the stone path that curved around the dark, towering city structure in the distance, making her way to the lone building on the flowering hillside. She stepped up the path, Pandora trailing behind her, before pressing her hand against the wooden door and stepping inside.

Pews lined the main hall, a large simple statue of the Goddess at the head of the room. To the side, a group of men dressed in fanciful white attire sat around, drinking tea and conversing. However, the woman's sudden appearance drew their attention.

As the men in white-cloaks adorned with pure-white roses glanced up at the woman who emerged through the doorway of the monastery, one set down his teacup and looked towards her in awe. 

She spoke towards these men.

"I'm here looking for Lumière Croft. Does anyone know where he might be at this time?"