The Shocked Lin Diao

"I need your help," Jellal told her.

"You need my help? What help, young noble?" Safira was instantly confused.

"Look at that man." Jellal pointed at Lin Diao's figure with his finger.

"I want you to take his storage ring, but it's not easy because if he senses a threat, the escape formation inside his body will activate, you have to make him hand over the ring himself." Jellal explained.

After hearing Jellal's explanation, Safira finally looked at Lin Diao curiously, wondering if his storage ring had any unparalleled treasures.

Of course, she was happy to help Jellal. She nodded with a faint smile as she replied, "please wait here, Young Noble. I will finish this job in a few minutes."

She looked very confident.

Before she took a step, Jellal said, "I don't want that man to even touch you."

Safira, "..."

The Elf's face instantly froze while her lips parted.

She seemed to not know whether to laugh or cry.