Chapter 20: Living on Rice and White Flour

"I'll handle the farming. It might be a slow process, but we always manage to grow enough for the tax in grain." Qiao Changshun answered without hesitation.

Nowadays, taxation is mainly on food grain and cloth.

If you choose to pay with silver instead of food grain and cloth, you're subjected to the commercial tax rate. Given that his Majesty of today doesn't favor businessmen over farmers, if you adopt the merchant's standard, you'd end up paying a lot more in silver.

For instance, if tax is paid in food grain, two bushels will suffice.

However, if it's paid in silver, if two bushels of grain is worth one tael silver, the tax would then be two taels silver, twice the cost.

"You'll also need to help me with the business. There isn't time for you to farm. I think buying back five acres is enough."