Chapter 23 Buy Buy Buy

Upon hearing these words, Shopkeeper He beamed even brighter. "I'll have the kitchen try it out today."

"Sir, I will come to see you again when I have more new dishes," Qiao Xiaomai said further.

"No problem, you're welcome anytime," Shopkeeper He cheerfully agreed. "Practice makes perfect. Next time, I'll surely give the young lady a better deal."

Qiao Xiaomai responded with a bright smile. She would bring tofu over tomorrow!

Seeing that Qiao Xiaomai had offered another recipe, Shopkeeper He gave her a pound of maltose as a thank-you gift.

Maltose is not as sweet as sugar, but due to the lagging sugar production technology of this era, sugar was expensive and maltose was what commoners ate.

However, for the Qiao Family, even maltose was a rare treat.

Other than the occasional wild fruit they could pick in the mountains, the Qiao Family rarely tasted sweetness throughout the year.