Chapter 94: She is Rich

After sending off Yuan Ding, Qiao Xiaomai continued to wash her clothes and bedding. After washing them, she started to cook dinner so that by the time the sun set and Qiao Changshun and Qiao Dami came back, dinner was ready.

At the dinner table, Qiao Xiaomai brought up her plan, "Dad, can you go see Grandpa Tong about buying some land tomorrow?"

It was time to plant soybeans and sweet potatoes.

"Okay." When it came to land, the wrinkles on Qiao Changshun's face seemed to soften a bit.

"Just like we said before, buy five acres," Qiao Xiaomai continued.

Qiao Changshun was silent for a moment before nodding slowly.

Five acres, that seemed rather too little.

But considering their actual circumstances, that was the best they could do.

After dinner, Qiao Xiaomai soaked thirty-jin of soybeans, there were too many things they needed to buy, so they needed to earn more money.