Chapter 168: Borrow

Zhu Cuiying had been worrying about Qiao Dazhu's marriage for years.

She had seen how the Sun Family bullied Qiao Changshun's family over the years and she had grown accustomed to the Sun Family's arrogance and tyranny. Therefore, she also wanted to find a docile daughter-in-law she could manipulate to flaunt her power as a mother-in-law.

However, apart from finding a compliant daughter-in-law, Zhu Cuiying also wanted to pick a family with decent lineage.

With the promise of Sun Junyan becoming an official and pulling her family up, she honestly didn't respect those who, like her, lived off the land, and always felt a faint sense of superiority towards them.

Bearing this in mind, her future daughter-in-law's family conditions couldn't be too poor.

She wanted both docility and a wealthy family background. With these two requirements in mind, she had been looking for suitable candidates since Qiao Dazhu was twelve or thirteen years old.