Chapter 180: Rough and Direct

When Tong Sanlang saw Qiao Xiaomai rush out, he immediately said, "Go tell your grandpa what's happening. Tell him that your grandma is trying to use kneeling and accusing you of being unfilial to coerce you into turning over the silver. It's not that you won't give it, it's that you simply don't have that much."

He had immediately guessed Sun Family's plan to use this tactic to force Qiao Xiaomai into submission, so he turned the tables and used it to frame her with a crime.

"It's not an issue of your lack of filial piety but her cruelty. She's so desperate for silver, she's stooped to using such a method. She doesn't deserve to be your grandmother!"

"Go bring your grandpa, tie her up and take her to County Town courthouse for justice!"

Naturally, Tong Sanlang harboured distaste for Sun Family.

Now he was arranging to marry Qiao Xiaomai and as for Sun Family, this shrewish woman, he was going to deal with her.