Chapter 184: You Are the Real Unfilial One

Tong Sanlang and Qiao Xiaomai took Qiao Changshun to the doctor. After getting the injury checked and picking up the medicine, it was already noon when they were returning.

By this time, quite a few people had gathered at the entrance of the Qiao family house. Qiao Qinghe, Sun Junyan, Qiao Changfu, Zhu Cuiying, and Qiao Meipan were all present.

For a family dispute, Qiao Qinghe had to be present.

Today's situation was caused by Sun Junyan, so naturally, he also had to be there.

When Qiao Xiaomai, Tong Sanlang, and Qiao Changshun returned, Qiao Qinghe was making a friendly face towards Tong Tiehu, while Sun Junyan was standing by the side without uttering a word.

Despite being very annoyed by the actions of the Sun family and Sun Junyan, Qiao Qinghe still did not want this kind of scandal to reach the County Town.

"Xiaomai is back," Tong Tiehu pointed to the donkey cart at the street corner.

This matter was about Qiao Xiaomai as the victim, so he looked to her for her opinion.