Chapter 193 I Want to be Honest With You

She wasn't sure what exactly Tong Sanlang knew, but she was sure not to slip up in her words.


Exchanging secrets, forsooth.

Like hell she would.

She was not interested in Tong Sanlang's secrets at all.

All she wanted was to be a serene and wealthy landlord.


Alright, she had to admit her curiosity.

She was intrigued about why Tong Tiehu and Tong Sanlang were helping her so much.

It was related to her peaceful life; she couldn't help but be nosy.

Then there was the relationship between the county official, Dai, and Tong Tiehu. With Dai's abrupt manner of dispensing justice, as one of his subjects, she had some concerns.

But if she really brought up these questions, would Tong Sanlang honestly answer her?


If Tong Sanlang wasn't straightforward, why should she spill the truth?

Tong Sanlang was unaware of Qiao Xiaomai's thoughts. Listening to her response, he was torn between amusement and helplessness.