Chapter 211: Hit Hard!

Du Qing'ai swung her stick again and again, viciously striking Sun Family's body.

The contact between the stick and flesh released a muffled sound.

Sun Family's body was twitching with each muffled sound, an unconscious reaction to the intense pain.

Tears consistently welled up in her eyes, her old face turning beet red.

Qiao Meipan collapsed to the side, unconsciously biting on her handkerchief, shivering uncontrollably.

She did not dare, nor had the courage, to interfere. Seeing Sun Family's body convulse again and again, her heart throbbed painfully.

How excruciating must that be!

Looking at the situation, they would really beat her until she had only a breath left!

Too terrifying, this Tong Tiehu was too terrifying, resorting to beating someone to their last breath instead of forcing information out of them, his methods were too ruthless.

It would be her turn soon, what should she do, what should she do?