Chapter 256: Men and women working together, work is not tiring

Upon Tong Tiehu's words falling, Tong Sanlang hoisted the wooden box into the kitchen.

"Let Sanlang be your helper then, I reckon His Highness Prince Wei will be here soon. Get everything ready as quickly as you can," Tong Tiehu said again.

Simultaneously with his words, Tong Sanlang placed the wooden box on the ground, opened it, and took out a pile of brand new bowls and dishes.

Qiao Xiaomai gave a response.

All the cold dishes near the big stove were ready, only the hot dishes left, which she could whip up after the feast began.

"Okay, you two get busy." Leaving these words behind, Tong Tiehu strode somewhere else.

Since His Highness Prince Wei was coming, he needed to check the guest room they had tidied up the day before. After all, he couldn't neglect his esteemed guest.

Only the two of them were left in the kitchen, and Tong Sanlang silently continued to take out bowls and dishes.

Qiao Xiaomai pursed her lips, then subconsciously reached out to touch her face.