Chapter 334: Let's Do a Hero Saves the Beauty!

After contemplating, Qiao Xiaomai asked, "I, a common woman, do not understand the meaning of your words, Your Highness."

"It doesn't matter if you understand or not, as long as you remember these words. Be honest and modest," Yang Ye emphasized while popping mulberries into his mouth. "With these two characteristics, no matter what happens, I can assure your safety."

Qiao Xiaomai responded, "I am an ordinary citizen, the most honest and modest."

"Then let's both remember what's been said today."

"I will bear it in mind." Qiao Xiaomai nodded, her face maintaining an expression of true incomprehension, even though her mind was already brimming with worry.

Her mind raced, her gaze settling on the plate of mulberries beside Yang Ye's hand. She smiled and asked, "Your Highness, I can actually make fruit wine. Would you give me some mulberries so I can make some for you?"

"Huh?" Yang Ye was initially taken aback, but then he laughed and snapped his fingers. "Great!"