Chapter 390: After all, This Village Needs Excavating

Upon hearing these words, everyone present was stunned.

What... what does this mean?

The Dean left the Capital twenty years ago?

Grand Emperor instructed him to care for Anping Village and the Tong Family?

This... this...

This was a lot more information than they could handle!

Seeing everyone stand stupefied, the Dean continued to wave his fan and furrowed his eyebrows. "What, do you all not believe me? I'm old, but not enough to joke about the Grand Emperor."

"No no no, it's not that we don't believe you, we're just flabbergasted!" Yang Ye came back to his senses and quickly shook his head. "It's just, this…"

He looked at Tong Tiehu and his grandson. His sharp, phoenix eyes were round with disbelief, but he couldn't articulate his thoughts.

He had suspicions about the Tong Family, that's for sure!

But did the Grand Emperor know about this twenty years ago?!

If he knew, why didn't he move the treasure?!

It's hard to find now!