Chapter 403: The Arrival of the Retired Emperor (Extra Update)

Upon receiving this imperial edict, Yang Ye immediately started busying himself.

Even though an earthquake had occurred in Shuifeng Prefecture, the retired Emperor was still planning to visit. This emphasized his significance attached to the place!

Yang Ye promptly found the Dean of the Academy, expressing a wish to make significant changes to Anping Village, such as building a guesthouse.

Building a palace was impossible due to time constraints, but a quaint guesthouse could still be constructed.

However, the Dean dismissed the idea, gesturing for him not to create unnecessary work, "When the retired Emperor graces Anping Village, he will not be there for the villagers, he will only be meeting the Tong Family. All you need to do is tidy up the area near the secret tunnel."

"Then where will Grandpa Emperor stay?"