Chapter 579: Supply What is Lacking

"Try some of this water." Qiao Xiaomai fetched a bowl of water from the void.

Tong Sanlang took it and took a small sip. Then he drank it all, "Yes, it tastes much better."

He drank this water almost every day, and he could perceive the change.

"This is good news," he began, "Your cooking skills will be even more extraordinary."

"It's a bit of a shame if it only enhances my cooking skills. I'd like it to have practical benefits," she said, thinking of things like strengthening and invigorating health.

She didn't yearn for miraculous effects like resurrecting the dead or turning flesh to bone, but if it couldn't even alleviate her menstrual cramps, it couldn't really bear the claim of being a "spiritual" elixir.