Chapter 604 Do You Know What You're Talking About?

Yang Ye's sudden appearance had given a scare to those who wanted to come and watch, but after he left, the interested crowd slowly gathered.

Just by the smell and color, it was clear that these two items were flavorful, but since they were free of charge, they couldn't help but to taste them.

After confirming that they genuinely tasted good, the ones who should have gone back for a bowl immediately brought back their bowls, while the customers of Jixiju Restaurant came out with theirs directly from the restaurant.

Five copper coins for a spoonful, quite expensive.

But the price was in line with such a good taste.

With the taste guaranteed, both basins of field snails sold out quickly and the loach soup also sold out.

Until the three of them returned to the village, Yang Ye did not show up again.

On their journey back, Zhang Family was elatedly counting the copper coins. They had over a thousand in total, which made Zhang Family very joyous.