Chapter 627: Afraid to Face Qiao Xiaomai

After a separation of six months, mother and son were reunited, both teary-eyed.

Upon seeing Zhuang Luhe's current state, Qiao Xiaomai felt a knot in her throat and also began shedding tears.

The woman in front of her was a far cry from the beauty in her memories. What hardships Zhuang Luhe had to endure over these past six months...

"Stop crying, let's eat," Tong Sanlang said, lighting up the firewood he had gathered earlier.

Qiao Xiaomai sniffled, pulling out the scallion pancakes she had cooked, along with the steamed buns she bought at noon, then she poured a bowl of water for Zhuang Luhe.

Scallion pancakes, steamed buns.

Zhuang Luhe couldn't recall how long it had been since she last ate white flour. Now she was looking at these rare delicacies, her yet-to-stop tears were now flowing even more violently.

"Stop crying mother, it's bad for your eyes, and your rouge is all smeared from the tears," Qiao Xiaomai said, pulling out a handkerchief to comfort her.