Chapter 632: Is this how you thank me?

Upon hearing this, Qiao Xiaomai smiled bashfully, "Actually, I have another request..."

At this Yang Ye voiced surprise, "What is it?"

The Dean of the Valley also turned his gaze toward Qiao Xiaomai.

Qiao Xiaomai moistened her lips, and said, "My mother... has been found, but the man who abused her earlier, has stained his hands with the life of his previous daughter-in-law. Thus, I hope that Your Highness can help, and have the Count of Beiyang County, hand out the deserved punishment to that man."

"I originally wanted to report this, but my accusation as a civilian will carry less weight than yours, so I came to you."

Upon hearing this, Yang Ye nodded his head indicating that he understood, "Alright, I will send someone there."

Although he, as a leisure prince, has no right to interfere with local governance, in this case, it was Zhan Jin who committed the first murder. Sending a person to report does not amount to interfering with local governance.