Chapter 636: Life Goes On

She had thought her idea was too extreme when she talked to Yang Ye about it in the morning, saying that the abusive man didn't have to be sentenced to death.

Now, she realizes it isn't extreme at all.

Such a beast should be subjected to a thousand cuts, a slow and painful death.

Still, even death is too kind for such a beast as Zhan Jin. Death would end all his sufferings. He should be made to do hard labor, maimed and crippled.

Such a painful existence would be the best punishment.

Tong Sanlang, hearing her words, gave a pat on her shoulder and grunted softly in agreement.

He too, after hearing about Zhan Jin from Doctor Wu this morning, wanted to go to Linzhang Village and give that beast a severe lesson. To lay hands on a woman, such behavior was worse than a pig or a dog.

Qiao Xiaomai looked at his calm demeanor and shook her head, telling him, "Never mind, let the people from Tingfeng Pavilion handle it. Don't dirty your hands."

"It's not a problem." Tong Sanlang said.