Chapter 648: Sentencing

The next day, Qiao Xiaomai and Tong Sanlang really went to see Doctor Wu.

Doctor Wu took her pulse, and the result was that everything was normal.

She was not pregnant.

This result made both of them breathe a sigh of relief.

Tong Sanlang began to study hard, but he still went to work in the fields when it was necessary.

Not only did he do his own work, but he also did Qiao Xiaomai's share.

Qiao Xiaomai's days became leisurely. Zhuang Lühe cooked meals, Qiao Zhaodi and Qiao Yindi did house chores, and she could do whatever she wanted each day.

With nothing to do, she went to the manor every day to oversee the progress of the construction, go up the hill to check the fruit trees, and go down to the fields to check all types of crops being planted.

She worked hard to sprinkle Spiritual Spring water on the roots of these crops. Fortunately, the weather was hot now, and as soon as she sprinkled it, it dried quickly, leaving no trace for others to see.