Chapter 650: You Will Be Immortalized For Generations

"And my mother, she has been oppressed so harshly by the Sun Family, and my father is indeed powerless. If she could seek a legal divorce, stand tall, and not have to endure the disdainful glances of others, I'm sure she would be willing, right?"

"And my recipe - I was the first one to think of it. If someone were to steal it, would I be able to use the law to recoup some of my losses?"

"Your Highness, I'm just a simple country girl, I don't understand any grand principles. All I want is to have a law that can ensure justice when I'm being bullied. I think most people share my sentiment."

"So, if the law is well-revised, then you would've provided an umbrella of protection for ordinary folk like me, restoring fairness and justice to the world. Such a great achievement would certainly be renowned for centuries,"

Yang Ye "..."

What a character, even throwing out phrases like "renowned for centuries."

He sounded like a god...

This touched his heart even more.