Chapter 711 Only She Can Abandon Me

The two bumped into Qiao Changshun, who was driving an ox cart, at the entrance of the village.

After Tong Tiehu scolded Tong Xingda last night, he drove the cart taking Qiao Zhaodi and Qiao Yindi to the manor. When they recounted the situation, Qiao Changshun and Zhuang Luhe became frantic. How could this have happened!

But for all their worries, they were powerless. All they could do was wait.

After a restless night, having eaten breakfast, Qiao Changshun hurried back to Anping Village today.

"We're fine," Qiao Xiaomai assured him.

"Did you two really go to Zhu Family Village and smash their house?" Qiao Changshun asked.

"Of course we did. Else, why would we even bother making such a long trip in the middle of the night?" Qiao Xiaomai responded with a matter-of-fact tone.

On hearing this, Qiao Changshun paused, then slapped his thigh in dismay, "Sanlang is now a scholar. How could he be involved in such a crude act! Besides, they are family, this…"