Chapter 722: Interesting Soul

After discussing Qiao Xiaomai's family's agricultural affairs, Yang Ye began discussing his private matter: he wanted to choose a queen from all over Daqi. As long as they were between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, unmarried, well-read, and presentable, they were eligible to be considered.

Status does not matter!

He did not want a noble lady to avoid upsetting Yang Hao; a peasant girl like Qiao Xiaomai would suffice.

If their appearance was passable, that was enough. After all, he was already quite handsome. Regardless of who he chose, he would surely outshine them.

Appearance is not important, not important, not important!

There are countless beautiful faces, but unique souls are rare.

What he wanted was someone who could prevent him from feeling lonely, someone who could envelop him in a pink bubble of mutual understanding.

He wanted someone who could accompany him during his prime years so that this time would not be in vain.