Chapter 734: Her Mother is Lying in the Medical Clinic

Qiao Xiaomai and Tong Sanlang rented a horse-drawn carriage. After five days of bumpy travel, they finally arrived in Bailu Town.

The celebratory announcement from the government office was delivered by the post station and had arrived in Huai'an County before them.

The Huai'an County Government Office had already sent someone to relay the news to Anping Village. So, when the two of them arrived in Bailu Town, Tong Xingda and the Zhang family were waiting for them at the town entrance.

As soon as she got off the carriage and saw the people she didn't want to see, Qiao Xiaomai crossed her arms, expressionless, and coldly watched Tong Xingda dash over. He slapped Tong Sanlang's shoulder heartily, exuberantly praising him for bringing honor to his ancestors.

Zhang's wife was also grinning from ear to ear, standing on the other side of Tong Sanlang, repeatedly calling out, "my son, my good son".

Tong Sanlang was somewhat surprised, "Father, Mother, why are you two here?"