Chapter 769 I Will Strangle You

Sun Junyan's ambition was something Qiao Qinghe could not restrain, the only thing he could control was the Sun family.

This strange son of his was beyond belief. Since he was a stranger and uncontrollable, he might as well disown him!

Upon hearing this, Sun Junyan's eyes widened in disbelief, but soon he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and the expression on his face was full of anger and resentment.

Why didn't they understand him?

There was nothing wrong with his desire to climb higher in life, was there?

Given their family's circumstances, apart from exploiting Qiao Changshun's family, what other choice did he have?

He never intended to give up, once he got to the top, he would certainly pull up his brothers!

It was Qiao Xiaomai who first cut off his fifty-wen allowance. It was Qiao Xiaomai who first broke the old agreement!