Chapter 823 Earn Big - Part 1

Tong Tiehu twisted the iron wires onto the basket of the little cart he had made, making the whole little cart even more adorable.

Adorable, rustic, simple.

Qiao Dami was even more reluctant to get down, and Qiao Xiaomai also felt a strong attachment to it, wishing she could shrink ten years younger to experience the thrill herself.

Stroking his beard, Tong Tiehu looked on with satisfaction as Qiao Dami rode the little cart around the courtyard. "How much silver could this sell for?" he asked.

"Twenty taels each, only sold in Capital City," replied Qiao Xiaomai.

Such a small cart took Tong Sanlang alone four or five days to figure out before he managed to make one.

Coming from the hands of someone educated and with such intricacy, it was destined to be of high value.

Therefore, the market was limited to Capital City.

The nobles lacked novelty and had money to spare; the silver would grow wings and fly over!