Chapter 833 Research Success_1

After seven or eight days of research, the first fire kang made by Qiao Xiaomai and her friends was finally free of flaws.

Before, it was either too hot or the smoke wouldn't disperse properly, and there were many little problems.

Initially, they had been working outside, but now that the first one was successful without any issues, Qiao Xiaomai suggested building one in Zhuang Lühe's room at Qiao Changshun's manor.

There were still a few days before the onset of winter. Building the kang this early was a bit premature, but they wanted to get it done so Zhuang Lühe could start getting used to it.

This delay of a few days meant that the guards had finished making all two thousand parts for the cart, so the four of them got busy again, rushing to assemble the carts together.

The carts must be smooth, without any wooden splinters; the iron nails also had to be completely embedded, ensuring absolutely no hooks or sharp edges that could hurt children.