Chapter 849 Shen Bai_1

Moreover, Shen Bai had accompanied the Crown Prince Yang Hao to Shuifeng Prefecture for disaster relief a few months ago and only recently returned to the Capital City. He was a good person who cared deeply for the people, entirely different from those young masters from the Aristocratic Families.

Qiao Xiaomai admired such a person, but her relationship with the Extreme Flavor Restaurant was there for all to see, and this time she was bound to disappoint Shen Bai.

Feeling slightly apologetic, Qiao Xiaomai prepared some fine tea and refreshments.

"Miss Qiao, your name is now well-known throughout Shuifeng Prefecture. Almost every resident knows of you, and they have all used the various methods of cooking sweet potato that you came up with. They are very grateful to you," said Shen Bai casually as he sipped his tea.

Upon hearing this, Qiao Xiaomai smiled even more modestly, "It's just sweet potato, after all. How it is eaten doesn't make much of a difference; it's not a big deal."