Chapter 868: Indeed Told to Qiao Xiaomai_1

Passersby all gathered around the entrance of Jiwei Ju, Zhang Family's matriarch struggled fiercely in Qiao Xiaomai's grip but couldn't break free—she gave up and yelled to the onlookers, "You see? You all saw it, right? I'm her mother-in-law, and she treats me like this in front of everyone. Now you know what kind of person she is!"

"She fawns and brownnoses before the retired Emperor, wishing she could lick the feet of those nobles, but she's all haughty and imperious in front of me, her legitimate mother-in-law," she said.

"I'm not her mother-in-law; she's my ancestor!"

As Zhang Family's words fell, the crowd that had gathered couldn't help but start discussing.

Qiao Xiaomai, as a daughter-in-law, holding onto her mother-in-law and not letting go, this act was indeed considered disrespectful.

Who would have thought Qiao Xiaomai could be so bold!