Chapter 877: Come Out Again for New Year_1

Xiaoxia nodded, "Agreed."

She immediately lifted her leg and went to the new residence of the Tong Family.

And then she returned very quickly.

The response from Tong Tiehu was as heartless as ever: he did not trust the Zhang Family; he would rather spend copper coins to have someone watch over her.

This time, Tong Tiehu was truly angry.

In this family, the only one who still cared about face was him.

The others didn't care about such a thing anymore.

Because he cared, he was extremely furious about the Zhang Family's behavior of losing face at the Spiritual Spring Inn.

He remembered the glory of his family in his youth, even if he had been lying low in Anping Village for these decades, he considered himself as having hidden treasure, harboring great ambition, and he took the reputation of Prince Pingnan, Gu Yu, as his pride.

The Zhang Family's wanton trampling of the Tong Family's face; this time, he would definitely make the Zhang Family remember this lesson.