Chapter 883: Strange Changes at Home_1

The two were startled by Qiao Xiaomai's actions, and Wang Tiesheng stammeringly asked, "Isn't it, wasn't it said that we settle the wages once a month?"

They couldn't help but wonder if Qiao Xiaomai was dissatisfied with their performance and wouldn't let them come back the next day...

With that possibility in mind, a look of pleading appeared on both their faces.

Qiao Xiaomai blinked and noticed the expressions of the couple, suddenly feeling a mix of amusement and helplessness.

"You both work efficiently, so there's no need for monthly settlements, let's settle daily instead."

Just by looking at their attire and behavior, it was clear that their family was struggling, so there was no reason for her to wait until the end of the month to pay their wages.

Besides, she was accustomed to daily settlements.

After all, a day's work for a day's pay.

She began to count the copper coins.