Chapter 886 Don't Leave My Sight_1

Tongsan Lang woke up, and Qiao Xiaomai told him about the Qiao Family's situation.

Listening, Tongsan Lang frowned intensely, "You are too daring."

"It's okay." Qiao Xiaomai wriggled her hand free from his larger one and grasped his hand instead, whispering, "I've calmed down and thought it through carefully, they won't want my life."

"Those who have a grudge against me are just Cen Hongping and Sun Junyan, and if something were to happen to me, they would be the prime suspects. You would surely kill them without any thought for reason. Yang Ye would also investigate the matter."

"They wouldn't be stupid enough to risk their lives for mine."

"Besides, isn't Yang Wang harboring relentless desires for me? Seeing how good I am at making money, he would certainly be reluctant to kill me."

Tongsan Lang listened to Qiao Xiaomai's analysis with a stern face, and after she finished, his brow didn't relax as he said, "From now on, you are not to leave the range of my sight."