Chapter 925: The Location of Qiao Xiaomai's House is Not Good_1

Tong Sanlang had no idea of the twists and turns in Yang Wenxiao's heart. After agreeing with a "yes," he turned and left the manor.

Once Yang Wenxiao's order was announced, a pleased expression appeared on the students' faces.

Some even cheered softly.

Being rich or noble, they found themselves trapped in this world of snow for days, which was truly a hardship for them.

Now that Yang Wenxiao had given the all-clear, they ran away like a puff of smoke.

With the outsiders gone, Tong Sanlang watched the group of students disappear and called over Wang Tiesheng and his wife, asking them to clean up outside.

With such a crowd staying outside the manor these past few days, quite a few crops had been trampled, and much trash had been created—it needed to be cleaned up.

After assigning the task to Wang Tiesheng and his wife, he went back to the manor.