Chapter 933: Not Giving It Back, This Treasure Belongs to the Tong Family_1

"Grandpa Emperor is strong and sturdy, he will definitely live to a ripe old age," Yang Hao hurriedly said upon hearing this.

Yang Wenxiao smiled, "Forget it, when she wakes up, just remove the ten-year term. Those words just now were indeed unfair to her."

No matter how much money she could make, after all, Qiao Xiaomai was just a village girl who had not seen much of the world.

It's a worry, suddenly owing a debt of several billion.

Yang Hao quickly agreed, then added, "Actually, if you ask me, we should just focus on the food business and let the profits trickle in."

"If we go any slower, we'll take care of those Aristocratic Families ourselves, and we won't need her to scrape together silver."

"From the wealthy merchants and officials, anyway, the common people's lives are getting better every day, and there are more and more rich folks."