Chapter 935: Relaxing the Years_1

The allure of chili peppers, just look at Yang Ye with his precious attitude, and you'll know. He made some chili oil and couldn't bear to use it. Whenever there's a decent dish, he'll mix in just a little, making the supply last.

Moreover, many delicious dishes require chili peppers. If chili peppers become renowned, they should be able to make a fortune by controlling the cultivation for the first few years.

"This plan is good. After all, I still have plenty of chili peppers in my space. Plant a batch on the heated kang bed, and then another next spring. During this period, mix all my chili pepper seeds in, and next year we should be able to harvest quite a lot."

With this in mind, Qiao Xiaomai felt a surge of energy.

Yang Ye only had a rough idea of the quantity of chili peppers. When she secretly added the seeds, Yang Ye would definitely not know.