Chapter 938 Hurry to Make Money_1

As soon as Qiao Xiaomai left her seat, Yang Wenxiao immediately had Gao Lian fill it and also instructed, "Remember, later order someone to go to the town and get a set made of jade; this wooden block looks far too ugly."

Upon hearing this, Tong Sanlang quickly spoke up, "Your Highness, I also want to go to the town this afternoon. I'll tell the Extreme Flavor Residence about this idea so that they can start making silver sooner."

Members of the Aristocratic Families, certainly couldn't use these wooden blocks. As Yang Wenxiao said, they had to be made of jade.

Using jade, the price would certainly skyrocket; the selling price had to be at least ten times the cost.

After all, it's about gouging the wealthy, right? Set a clear price, trade fairly. If they find it too expensive, they don't have to buy.