Chapter 40: Kidnapping at Midnight_1

After half a day's walk, Xia Yiwan found the surroundings somewhat familiar.

"Are we headed back to Dijing Tiancheng?"

Without turning his head, Si Mo simply replied with a faint "Hmm".

Xia Yiwan became a bit sulky: "You should have told me earlier then, I didn't bring my clothes…"

Not only her clothes, but she didn't even bring her shoes or bag.

How is she supposed to face people tomorrow wearing her pyjamas and slippers?

"I'll have someone bring them over tomorrow." Si Mo answered coldly.

He was very angry.

He returned to the villa in the afternoon and found the maid had prepared dinner, but Yiwan was nowhere to be seen. He had thought she would come back on her own, but even when night fell, there was still no sign of her.

He held back from calling her until he was ready to sleep and realized the bed was cold and unoccupied.