Chapter 76 How do you want to discipline her?_1

Chen Jinhuan was slightly stunned by the two slaps from Xia Yivan, only snapping out of it now before flinging herself into the man's arms in a grieved state. "Zhendong! Sob sob..."

"Huanhuan, don't cry." Li Zhendong gently patted her back, his eyes glaring maliciously at Xia Yiwan. "Was it you who hit her?"

"It was me, so what?" Xia Yiwan casually brushed off her wet hair sticking to her face, acknowledging it very straightforwardly.

Seeing her bright and unrivaled features, Li Zhendong's gloomy eyes brightened slightly. "Since you've admitted it, how do you propose we resolve this?"

"This is between her and me. If she has the guts, let her settle the score with me. What does this have to do with you?" Xia Yiwan glanced at him before heading towards the restroom exit.

She was cold and drenched, having no time to bicker with them.

"Stay right there!"

Being ignored so blatantly, Li Zhendong's face darkened with irritation. He forcefully grabbed Xia Yiwan's arm.