Chapter 119: Do You Have a Smoke? _1

"Wanwan, are you feeling unwell?" Qiao Na glanced at Xia Yiwan. "Why do you look so pale?"

"Do I?" Xia Yiwan reached up to touch her face, forcing a smile. "I'm just a little tired."

"Then, after eating, go find a corner to rest in for a bit," advised Qiao Na.


Rapidly devouring her box lunch, Xia Yiwan and Yan Xia retreated to the makeup room, each draping a coat over themselves before curling up in their chairs.

Xia Yiwan was last in the sequence of scenes, and she had scenes to film every day. Only when the filming was done could she return to her hotel.

Xia Yiwan was genuinely exhausted, but tucked away in the chair, sleep utterly eluded her.

Her mind was a chaotic mess, her irritation on the brink of erupting into a scream.

This directly affected the afternoon's filming, leading the director to call for a cut five times in a row.

"Xia Yiwan, what's going on with you?" Chen Yan sent her an annoyed look.