Chapter 185 Chu Yasi Apologizes_1

Xia Yiwan today was stunning, it almost took one's breath away.

"Miss Chu, are you alright?" Xia Yiwan asked.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry, Miss Xia." Chu Yasi snapped back to reality, touched her face, and gave a weak smile. "If anything, I should be apologizing to you."

"..." Xia Yiwan looked at her, not understanding.

"My sister doesn't know any better, she's hurt you time and again. I want to apologize on her behalf, and I hope you can forgive her for her recklessness," said Chu Yasi, giving Xia Yiwan a ninety-degree bow.

Xia Yiwan assisted her back up, "Miss Chu, you don't have to do this, it has nothing to do with you."

Chu Yalan pushed her, causing her to twist her ankle. Xia Yiwan had taken Chu Yalan's hand in revenge.

Even if she hadn't gotten revenge, Chu Yalan, not Chu Yasi, should be the one to apologize.