Chapter 332 Si Mo is actually the CEO of MAX! _1

The curtain of night began to rise, and Jin City entered the night. The dazzling lights came on one by one.

Qiao Na pushed open the door and walked in. "Wanwan, let's go."

Upon hearing this, Xia Yiwan immediately reined in her emotions and followed Qiao Na out of the guest room.

The victory celebration was being held at the banquet hall on the top floor of Sining International, the grandest place in Jin City.

Xia Yiwan had just reached the entrance of the banquet hall when she saw Yu Han also approaching from the other side.

Behind him were Nie Yu, Shi Beixi, and several other leading players.

When he saw Yan Xia, Yu Han's expression slightly dimmed.

However, Xia Yiwan and Yan Xia were both intently listening to the sounds coming from the banquet hall.

"'Qing City' has broken many records..."

The host was announcing one by one the proud achievements of "Qing City".

"Next, let's welcome our performers of 'Qing City'!"