Chapter 345 He Was Acting Sentimental_1

Downstairs was quiet, there was no sound of a car starting up, nor were there any other shouts.

Yan Xia immediately became restless.

What on earth was he here for? Was he looking for her?

But what if she was just wishful thinking?

In order not to rush out to find Yu Han, Yan Xia took out her phone, logged onto Zhihu, a popular Q&A platform, and posted a question.

"How to deal with a man who's slept with you and then becomes aloof. (I've liked him for a long time, but he seems not to like me)"

After posting the question, she stared at her phone.

Soon, she got a reply.

"Just be a good spare tire, what else do you plan to do?"

"... Your sister!" Yan Xia exclaimed.

She knew she was his back-up option, but did they have to be so blunt about it?

"Find someone else you like and continue sleeping around."

"For this kind of scumbag, all I can say is, seize every opportunity to sleep with him, until he's utterly spent!"

"..." Yan Xia.

Her fingers continued to scroll down.