Chapter 398: She Doesn't Need to Know_1

Si Mo's username was Mo Hen.

The page showed his chat history with someone named Stubborn Little Donkey. Stubborn Little Donkey said, "Boss, Mu Qianxun is too crafty. He went to Paris first, then to Finland, and I've lost track of him...Wahhh!"

Mo Hen replied, "Serve yourself the penalty."

Stubborn Little Donkey pleaded, "Crying/Crying/Boss, please grant me one more chance. I swear, I'll be your slave until I find Mu Qianxun for you."

Mo Hen retorted, "You couldn't even catch up to him as a donkey, you think you can do it as an ox?"

Xia Yiwan almost burst into laughter at this.

That's when someone called Lun Feng showed up, advising, "You should go beg sister-in-law, the boss listens to her."

"I dare not. The boss would break my legs."

What followed were conversations between Stubborn Little Donkey and Lun Feng. Xia Yiwan didn't bother reading and clicked on the previous page.

Just a few lines in, she froze.