Chapter 410: The World is So Wonderful_1

"I want to smoke, could you get me a cigarette from my pocket?"

Even as Yan Xia was sulking over her meal, Yu Han suddenly spoke up.

"Isn't the food good? Why do you suddenly want to smoke?" Yan Xia asked, confused.

Yu Han looked at her, his expression indifferent. "I want a smoke. Will you get it for me?"

Yan Xia stared furiously at Yu Han.

Is he blind? Can't he see she's upset? And yet he asks her to fetch him a cigarette!

"Go ahead!" Yu Han urged.

The world is so wonderful, yet I am so irritable, this isn't good, not good!

After saying Guo Furong's lines from "Unruly Qiao" three times in her heart, Yan Xia got up and walked towards Yu Han's clothes hanging on the door.

She reached into the pocket of the garment, but found nothing.

Frowning, Yan Xia withdrew her hand. Only after feeling around did she find a hard box inside another pocket in his clothing.

She reached in and pulled it out, only to stare in surprise.